Plant and Sprout Houses Pack of 10
Captivate your students’ attention, with these Plant & Sprout houses, guaranteed to deliver days and weeks of fun and intrigue! Children will enjoy the excitement and anticipation of waiting for their seeds to sprout…when will it be!
This activity is designed to teach children how things grow – to develop the understanding that plants need warmth, water, nutrients and light. This is a fantastic STEAM project and could be used as a seasonal craft activity or as a fundraising gift.
The self-assembly Plant & Sprout House has a cardboard frame which can be decorated with pencils, markers, Slicks (paint sticks) or collage materials. Once assembled the seed bed needs to be prepared using the included tray and cotton wool. Scatter your seeds (not inclcuded) onto the cotton, then place the tray inside the sprout house. Use the included message tag to write the student’s name or the plant name, then slot in place. Leave the house on a sunny windowsill and allow seeds to germinate and sprout, making sure bed is kept damp. NB: once seeds have spouted, tray can be cleaned and used again!